martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Machine Learning Yearning

Sigo publicando Machine Learning Yearning:

AI is the new electricity

Machine Learning Yearning

Dear friends,
What happens when the data in your training set does not come from the same distribution as your dev/test set? We are acquiring larger and larger datasets to train our cat detectors...erm...learning algorithms.

Sometimes this means living with a training set whose distribution is different from the test set. When is this a good idea, and how can your algorithms still do well on the data distribution you care about? Read this week’s chapters to learn more!
Read Chapters 36-39

Pun of the Week

As CEO of an AI+Mental health company, my friend Alison Darcy over at Woebotreally liked this one:
If you have a great AI pun, tweet it to me @AndrewYNg using #AIpun. I'll share my favorite in next week's email!

Catch up on Machine Learning Yearning

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