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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Voltdb. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 23 de julio de 2019

VoltDb regala un libro

La gente de VoltDb una base NewSQL me regala un libro y quiero compartir con ustedes. Me llego el siguiente mail :

Hi Emanuel,
We are excited to announce the release of our brand new interactive eBook, Smart Stream Processing for a New 5G World
In this eBook, we explore the smart stream processing architecture – the data stream processing architecture built for the real-time needs of the 5G era – and illustrate how this innovative new architecture empowers you to truly address the challenges and opportunities 5G presents. 
Check out this eBook for an interactive examination into topics, including: 
  • How a smart stream processing architecture works
  • Why smart stream processing will shape the 5G world
  • Using smart stream processing for real-time decision making
  • And more
Download Now
The VoltDB Team

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Oracle vs NoSql vs NewSql

Me llego este mail y lo quiero compartir con ustedes:

Oracle vs. NoSQL vs. NewSQL: Comparing Database Technology
The cornerstone of any IT system is the database technology being used. And in today’s world of 24x7, real-time connectivity, it’s critical to leverage a technology that meets all of your demands, without sacrificing other areas like performance, availability, scalability or consistency.
In this eBook, author John Ryan dives into the pros and cons of various database technologies and explores some key considerations to think about when choosing a database for your real-time requirements. Gain insights into topics, including
  • 5 modern demands of a translytical database
  • ACID vs eventual consistency
  • The OLTP database reimagined
  • 4 applications that need NewSQL technology
  • And more
Download EBook

VoltDB  |  209 Burlington Road, Suite 203, Bedford, MA 01730   |   T: 978.528.4660

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