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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Cloud. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2023

Ebook: Estos 4 patrones van a modernizar tu estrategia multinube

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Las empresas modernas eligen Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

En este ebook te contamos las razones
Conoce cómo las empresas crean y ejecutan aplicaciones seguras y escalables gracias a la nube de Oracle.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

¿Tu empresa está lista para dejar que los datos hagan el trabajo pesado?


miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

Conoce 3 etapas para aumentar la innovación durante los cambios


Quiero compartir un ebook de la gente de oracle : 

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2022

Free eBook: Declarative Cloud Infrastructure Management with Terraform (New Edition)


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Free eBook: Declarative Cloud Infrastructure Management with Terraform (New Edition)

Understand the underlying concepts of Terraform, declarative cloud infrastructure management, and key basics of the Hashicorp Configuration Language.

Also covered: why and when you should use Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) and Terraform together, Packer explained, and links to more educational content.

Get the PDF instantly (2.6 MB) — no registration required
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viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

Migrar a la nube garantiza agilidad y seguridad para tus datos


miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021

Free Serverless App Development O'Reilly Book

 Me llego este mail de la gente de infoQ y O'Reilly y les comparto : 

December 2021


Sent on behalf of Cockroach Labs to InfoQ Industry Email Notice Subscribers

Cockroach Labs

In this hands-on guide, developers will learn to build production-ready serverless apps and services on Google Cloud Run.

Download Book

The 10-chapter book includes tutorials for building and deploying a variety of serverless applications across Google Cloud. Ultimately, developers will learn how serverless development can dramatically simplify the building and scaling of applications.

This guide, authored by Wietse Venema, covers:

  • How to build serverless apps on Google Cloud Run
  • How to use HTTP to create unique experiences for your users
  • How identity and access management (IAM) work in serverless environments
  • How to deploy applications across a variety of Google Cloud services
  • CockroachDB is an official partner of Google Cloud Run and Google. Here's our solution to integrating CockroachDB with Google Cloud Run.

Download it for free and start building!

The Cockroach Labs Team


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miércoles, 2 de junio de 2021

[Ebook] Kubernetes to Cloud Native: Jumpstart your journey developing on GKE

 La gente de Google Cloud me envio el siguiente email y se los quiero compartir : 

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020

Libros de Java Code Geeks

Download IT Guides!

Continuous intelligence (CI) gives businesses the information needed to react to events as they are happening. It is a form of real-time analytics that uses artificial intelligence to support decisions when actions must be taken in milliseconds to minutes. This eBook provides an overview to CI, the reasons to use it, and what it can do for your business.
Get the most important factors to consider when selecting an API management tool. This guide includes the key requirements for API creation and management along with an expert checklist of top features to consider when acquiring such a tool.
Cloud computing also grows more complex and multi-faceted daily. Getting onto the cloud is easy. Getting it right is trickier. You can probably see why a carefully thought-out and detailed approach to cloud computing
The best thing you can do for your business is to have a security-first mentality. No company is exempt from falling victim to a breach because of their size - both large and small companies are at risk. This resource includes