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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Intellij idea. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022

Libros gratuitos de java code geeks


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Java NIO Programming Cookbook

java.nio (NIO stands for non-blocking I/O) is a collection of Java programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations. It was introduced with the J2SE 1.4 release...


IntelliJ IDEA Handbook

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community...


Amazon S3 Tutorial

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services. Amazon S3 provides storage through web services interfaces (REST, SOAP, and BitTorrent). Amazon...


JUnit Programming Cookbook

JUnit is a unit testing framework to write repeatable tests. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks...


lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2021

Creando la primera aplicación con Quarkus parte 3

Seguimos con quarkus

quarkus:dev ejecuta Quarkus en modo desarrollo. Esto permite deployment en caliente con compilación en segundo plano, lo que significa que cuando modifica sus archivos Java y / o sus archivos de recursos y actualiza su navegador, estos cambios se aplicarán automáticamente. Esto también funciona para archivos de recursos como el archivo de propiedades de configuración. La actualización del navegador desencadena un análisis del espacio de trabajo y, si se detecta algún cambio, los archivos Java se vuelven a compilar y la aplicación se vuelve a implementar; su solicitud luego es atendida por la aplicación redistribuida. Si hay algún problema con la compilación o la implementación, una página de error se lo informará.

Esto también escuchará un depurador en el puerto 5005. Si desea esperar a que el depurador se conecte antes de ejecutarse, puede pasar -Dsuspend en la línea de comandos. Si no desea el depurador en absoluto, puede usar -Ddebug = false.

En mi caso quiero hacer debug con intellij pero no funciona, si el deploy en caliente pero no me funciona el debug llamando a gradle quarkus:dev en debug.  Lo que hay que hacer es muy fácil, ir a run -> attach to process y en ese menú se va a listar el puerto 5005 que es el puerto de debug y luego el debug anda joya. 

Ya tenemos el debug y el deployment en caliente. Ahora vamos a ver los test, los test unitarios tienen que estar y escapa a este post y a la tecnología que usemos. Ahora bien, esta bueno hacer test de integración para poder revisar toda mi aplicación. desde el servicio REST a la base. Para esto, quarkus nos crea un test por defecto : 


public class GreetingResourceTest {


    public void testHelloEndpoint() {





             .body(is("Hello RESTEasy"));



Con esto estamos probando que el servicio /hello retorne 200 y su body sea "Hello RESTEasy"

Si corremos el test, quarqus nos levanta el server y le pega. 

Vamos a hacer un test de nuestro servicio /hello/mundo 


    public void testHelloWithParameterEndpoint() {

        var name = "Mundo";


                .when().get("/hello/" + name)



                .body(is("hola " + name));


Y listo!! 


jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2021

Creando la primera aplicación con Quarkus

Empecemos por el principio, necesitamos graalvm 11 o superior (en realidad cualquier Jdk 11 o superior pero yo voy a utilizar graalvm para sacar todo el jugo) , maven o gradle (yo voy a usar intellij que viene con gradle y listo) y un ide. 

Pueden usar maven o gradle para crear el proyecto o intellij (tambien) pero yo utilice la pagina y luego lo abrí con intellij. Pero eso lo hice porque quise, pueden hacerlo como quieran. 

Más allá de si eligieron maven o gradle o como hiciero para crear el proyecto, deberían tener esta dependencia : 

implementation 'io.quarkus:quarkus-resteasy'

Ahora veamos el código que genero, es un hola mundo común en un servicio REST : 






public class GreetingResource {



    public String hello() {

        return "Hello RESTEasy";



Si ejecutamos esto con : 

gradle :quarkusDev 

Va a demorar un rato pero luego si vamos a http://localhost:8080/hello vemos : 

Hello RESTEasy

Y como primer acercamiento, bien, en proximos post vamos a seguir desarrollando este ejemplo. 

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

Libros de Java Code Geeks

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java.nio (NIO stands for non-blocking I/O) is a collection of Java programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations. It was introduced with the J2SE 1.4 release...
IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community...
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services. Amazon S3 provides storage through web services interfaces (REST, SOAP, and BitTorrent). Amazon...
JUnit is a unit testing framework to write repeatable tests. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks...

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Libros de Java Geeks

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Spring Data?s mission is to provide a familiar and consistent, Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store. It makes it easy to use data access technologies, relational and non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud-based data services. In this eBook, we provide a compilation of Spring Data examples that will help you kick-start your own projects. We cover a wide range of topics, from setting up the environment and creating a basic project, to handling the various modules (e.g. JPA, MongoDB, Redis etc.). With our straightforward tutorials, you will be able to get your own projects up and running in minimum time.
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android's user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch gestures that loosely correspond to real-world actions, such as swiping, tapping and pinching, to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard for text input. In this ebook, we provide a compilation of Android programming examples that will help you kick-start your own web projects. We cover a wide range of topics, from Services and Views, to Google Maps and Bluetooth functionality. With our straightforward tutorials, you will be able to get your own projects up and running in minimum time.
java.nio (NIO stands for non-blocking I/O) is a collection of Java programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations. It was introduced with the J2SE 1.4 release of Java by Sun Microsystems to complement an existing standard I/O. The APIs of NIO were designed to provide access to the low-level I/O operations of modern operating systems. Although the APIs are themselves relatively high-level, the intent is to facilitate an implementation that can directly use the most efficient operations of the underlying platform.
IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition, and in a proprietary commercial edition. Both can be used for commercial development. The IDE provides for integration with build/packaging tools like grunt, bower, gradle, and SBT. It supports version control systems like GIT, Mercurial, Perforce, and SVN. Databases like Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE, PostgreSQL, and MySQL can be accessed directly from the IDE.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2019

Libros de java code geeks

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Spring Data's mission is to provide a familiar and consistent, Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store. It makes it easy to use data access technologies, relational and non-relational databases, map-reduce frameworks, and cloud-based data services. In this eBook, we provide a compilation of Spring Data examples that will help you kick-start your own projects. We cover a wide range of topics, from setting up the environment and creating a basic project, to handling the various modules (e.g. JPA, MongoDB, Redis etc.).
Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications. Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby.In this ebook, we provide a compilation of Selenium programming examples that will help you kick-start your own projects. We cover a wide range of topics, from Installation and JUnit integration, to Interview Questions and Standalone Server functionality.
IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition, and in a proprietary commercial edition. Both can be used for commercial development. The IDE provides for integration with build/packaging tools like grunt, bower, gradle, and SBT. It supports version control systems like GIT, Mercurial, Perforce, and SVN. Databases like Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE, PostgreSQL, and MySQL can be accessed directly from the IDE.
java.nio (NIO stands for non-blocking I/O) is a collection of Java programming language APIs that offer features for intensive I/O operations. It was introduced with the J2SE 1.4 release of Java by Sun Microsystems to complement an existing standard I/O. The APIs of NIO were designed to provide access to the low-level I/O operations of modern operating systems. Although the APIs are themselves relatively high-level, the intent is to facilitate an implementation that can directly use the most efficient operations of the underlying platform.

sábado, 26 de enero de 2019

4 libros gratuitos de java code geeks!

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jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today, with installation on 65% of the top 10 million highest-trafficked sites on the Web. jQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, theme-able widgets. The modular approach to the jQuery library allows the creation of powerful dynamic web pages and web applications. 
Node.js is an exciting software platform for building scalable server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux with no changes. Node.js applications are designed to maximize throughput and efficiency, using non-blocking I/O and asynchronous events. Node.js applications run single-threaded, although Node.js uses multiple threads for file and network events. In this book, you will get introduced to Node.js. You will learn how to install, configure and run the server and how to load various modules. Additionally, you will build a sample application from scratch and also get your hands dirty with Node.js command line programming.
Concurrency is always a challenge for developers and writing concurrent programs can be extremely hard. There is a number of things that could potentially blow up and the complexity of systems rises considerably when concurrency is introduced. However, the ability to write robust concurrent programs is a great tool in a developer’s belt and can help build sophisticated, enterprise level applications. In this course, you will dive into the magic of concurrency. You will be introduced to the fundamentals of concurrency and concurrent code and you will learn about concepts like atomicity, synchronization and thread safety. As you advance, the following lessons will deal with the tools you can leverage, such as the Fork/Join framework, the java.util.concurrent JDK package.
IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition, and in a proprietary commercial edition. Both can be used for commercial development. The IDE provides for integration with build/packaging tools like grunt, bower, gradle, and SBT. It supports version control systems like GIT, Mercurial, Perforce, and SVN. Databases like Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE, PostgreSQL, and MySQL can be accessed directly from the IDE. IntelliJ supports plugins through which one can add additional functionality to the IDE. One can download and install plugins either from IntelliJ’s plugin repository website or through IDE’s inbuilt plugin search and install feature. 

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Libros gratuitos

Me llegaron ests libros de java geeks :

Get schooled by Java Code Geeks

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Microsoft Azure is now more than seven years old. Like all seven-year-olds, Azure has been through some memorable teething troubles over the years, as well as some incredible growth and change. Microsoft still faces some significant challenges in increasing the adoption of its Azure platform. As Azure continues to evolve to meet the needs of modern app development processes and systems, developers will need to stay up to date with the latest changes in order to keep using the platform as efficiently as possible. In this eBook, we’ll look back at the history of Microsoft Azure and you’ll learn how to stay up to speed with Microsoft’s latest updates to Azure. You’ll also learn about the effect of the recent .NET Core release, as well as new considerations for app developers working with Azure and new ways they can use the platform to facilitate their app development processes. Finally, we’ll take a look at what’s new with Azure, exploring the innovations that could change the way developers work across platforms, both on-premises and in the cloud.
The primary intended audience for this document is any expert in professional services who needs to assure the health of SharePoint and systems connected to it. If you’re a systems architect, you can gain understanding of SharePoint components and how other applications can take advantage of SharePoint. If you’re an independent consultant, you’ll learn about the elements of comprehensive coverage and total visibility into operations with prebuilt monitoring configurations. Everything in this eBook is based on real-world examples and configurations where AppDynamics was deployed to monitor SharePoint. There’s no private or identifying information here, but it is not designed for the average SharePoint user. The level of detail can be overwhelming and not very useful for non-technical colleagues. This book can be used to help guide users through specific problems, but make sure that you work through those issues first and do not confuse the user with topics that take more specialized technical knowledge and experience.
IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) for developing computer software. It is developed by JetBrains, and is available as an Apache 2 Licensed community edition, and in a proprietary commercial edition. The IDE provides for integration with build/packaging tools like grunt, bower, gradle, and SBT. It supports version control systems like GIT, Mercurial, Perforce, and SVN. Databases like Microsoft SQL Server, ORACLE, PostgreSQL, and MySQL can be accessed directly from the IDE. IntelliJ supports plugins through which one can add additional functionality to the IDE. One can download and install plugins either from IntelliJ’s repository website or through IDE’s inbuilt plugin install feature. 
Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping framework, facilitating the conversion of an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves the object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions. Hibernate is one of the most popular Java frameworks out there. For this reason we have provided an abundance of tutorials here at Java Code Geeks, most of which can be found here. Now, we wanted to create a standalone, reference post to provide a framework on how to work with Hibernate and help you quickly kick-start your Hibernate applications. Enjoy!