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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta GWT. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021

Libros Gratuitos de Web Code Geeks


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Building Web Apps With Node.js

Node.js applications are designed to maximize throughput and efficiency, using non-blocking I/O and asynchronous events. Node.js applications run single-threaded, although Node.js uses...


AngularJS Programming Cookbook

It aims to simplify both the development and the testing of such applications by providing a framework for clientside model-view-controller (MVC) and model-view-viewmodel (MVVM)...


GWT Programming Cookbook

Google Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. Other than a...


Git Tutorial

Git is, without any doubt, the most popular version control system. Ironically, there are other version control systems easier to learn and to use, but, despite that, Git is the favorite...


jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Libros Gratuitos de Java Code Geek

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Vaadin Programming Cookbook

Vaadin is an open source web framework for rich Internet applications. In contrast to JavaScript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions, it features a server-side architecture,...


GWT Programming Cookbook

Google Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. Other than a...


Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Tutorial

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an orchestration service offered from Amazon Web Services for deploying infrastructure which orchestrates various AWS services, including EC2, S3, Simple...


Hibernate Tutorial

Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping framework, facilitating the conversion of an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database....


miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

Libros de Java Code Geeks

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Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. It aims to ease the development of dynamic websites and web applications. Bootstrap is a front end framework, that is, an interface for the user, unlike the server-side code which resides on the “back end” or server. Bootstrap is the most-starred project on GitHub, with over 88K stars and more than 37K forks. In this ebook, we provide a compilation of Bootstrap based examples that will help you kick-start your own web projects. 
Have you wondered what are the most common Javascript questions developers are asked in interviews? Well, in this minibook we’re going to go through some of the most anticipated questions (and their answers) to help you get going in job interviews and make a good impression with your knowledge.JavaScript developers are in high demand in the IT world. If this is the role that best expresses your knowledge and professionalism, you have a lot of opportunities to change the company you work for and increase your salary. But before you are hired by a company, you have to demonstrate your skills in order to pass the interview process.
Hibernate ORM (Hibernate in short) is an object-relational mapping framework, facilitating the conversion of an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves the object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions. Hibernate is one of the most popular Java frameworks out there. For this reason we have provided an abundance of tutorials here at Java Code Geeks, most of which can be found here. Now, we wanted to create a standalone, reference post to provide a framework on how to work with Hibernate and help you quickly kick-start your Hibernate applications. Enjoy!
Google Web Toolkit, or GWT Web Toolkit, is an open source set of tools that allows web developers to create and maintain complex JavaScript front-end applications in Java. Other than a few native libraries, everything is Java source that can be built on any supported platform with the included GWT Ant build files. It is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. GWT emphasizes reusable approaches to common web development tasks, namely asynchronous remote procedure calls, history management, bookmarking, UI abstraction, internationalization, and cross-browser portability. In this ebook, we provide a compilation of GWT examples that will help you kick-start your own projects. 

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Google regala los productos de Instantiations a la Fundación Eclipse

Siempre quise programar en GWT ahora se me va a ser más fácil con los productos que google regalo a la comunidad de eclipse por ende a nosotros.

Google ha donado WindowBuilder Pro (que incluye Swing Designer, SWT Designer y GWT Designer) y CodePro Profiler a la comunidad de código abierto y que en la primera mitad de 2011 pasarán a ser nuevos proyectos de Eclipse.

Estos productos nos ayudan a desarrollar de forma fácil interfaces gráficas con java y eclipse.

Que grande google!!!

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