sttp es un cliente http, simple que permite manejar las respuestas. sttp proporciona interfaces tanto síncronas como asíncronas, procedimentales y funcionales.
Las implementaciones incluyen aquellas basadas en clientes akka-http, async-http-client, http4s, OkHttp y HTTP que se envían con Java. Se integran con Akka, Monix, fs2, cats-effect, scalaz y ZIO. Las versiones de Scala admitidas incluyen 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 y 3, Scala.JS y Scala Native.
Veamos un pequeño ejemplo:
// In addition to the usual values brought into scope by `sttp.client3._`,
// the `quick` version also defines a default synchronous `backend`.
import sttp.client3.quick._
// Circe integration: `asJson` response description.
import sttp.client3.circe._
// Case classes corresponding to the json returned by GitHub (just the
// fields that interest us).
case class GitHubResponse(total_count: Int, items: List[GitHubItem])
case class GitHubItem(name: String, stargazers_count: Int)
val query = "language:scala"
val sort: Option[String] = Some("stars")
// Describing the request: specifying the method, uri and how to handle
// the response. The `query` parameter is automatically url-encoded
// `sort` will be unwrapped if `Some(_)`, and removed if `None`.
val request = basicRequest
// As we are using the synchronous `HttpURLConnectionBackend`, `send()` will
// return `Response[_]`. Async backends return e.g. `Future[Response[_]]`.
val response = request.send(backend)
// The body will be a `Left(_)` in case of a non-2xx response, or a json
// deserialization error. It will be `Right(_)` otherwise.
response.body match {
case Left(error) => println(s"Error when executing request: $error")
case Right(data) =>
println(s"Found ${data.total_count} Scala projects.")
println(s"Showing ${data.items.size} with most stars:")
data.items.foreach { item =>
println(s" ${} (${item.stargazers_count})")
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