Tal vez se acuerdan de TypeScript, era un framework javascript para dar tipos a Javascript, este framework esta impulsado por microsoft. Jtype tiene la misma idea, llevar javascript al mundo de las clases, con herencia y todo lo que ya conocemos.
Basta de chacharas y veamos un ejemplo:
// get the precompiled person class var cachedPerson = localStorage.getItem('Person'); // compile the person class var Person = $$(cachedPerson ? cachedPerson : '', function($fName, $lName, $age) { // set the readonly fields (cast the string arguments) this.firstName = $$.asString($fName); this.lastName = $$.asString($lName); // set the protected field (cast the number arguments) this._age = $$.asInt($age); }, { 'public readonly firstName': '', 'public readonly lastName': '', 'protected _age': 0, 'public getFullName': function() { // return the concatenated full name return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName; }, 'public virtual triggerOneYearOlder': function() { // increment the protected field this._age++; }, 'public age': { 'get': function() { // return the protected field return this._age; }, 'set': function($v) { // if the incoming property value is valid, set the protected field if ($v > 0) this._age = $v; } } }); // if the person class was not cached, store a local copy of the precompiled export string if (!cachedPerson) localStorage.setItem('Person', $$.export(Person)); // get the precompiled employee class var cachedEmployee = cachedPerson && localStorage.getItem('Employee'); // compile the employee class var Employee = $$(cachedEmployee ? cachedEmployee : '', Person, function($fName, $lName, $age, $salary) { // call the base constructor this.__base($fName, $lName, $age); // set the protected salary field this._salary = $salary; }, { 'protected _salary': 0, 'public override triggerOneYearOlder': function() { // increment the protected age field (by calling the base method) this.__base.triggerOneYearOlder(); // increase the salary by three percent this._salary *= 1.03; }, 'public salary': { 'get': function() { // return the salary return this._salary; } } }); // if the employee class was not cached, store a local copy of the precompiled export string if (!cachedEmployee) localStorage.setItem('Employee', $$.export(Employee)); // instantiate a person object var p = new Person('John', 'Doe', 30); // check that the values were set console.log(p.firstName);// John console.log(p.lastName);// Doe console.log(p.age);// 30 // get a protected field console.log(p._age);// undefined // set a readonly field (throws an exception in debug mode) //p.firstName = 'Jane'; (uncomment to try it out) // set an invalid property value p.age = -40; // check that the field and property didn't change console.log(p.firstName);// John console.log(p.age);// 30 // set a valid property value p.age = 40; // check that the property did change console.log(p.age);// 40 // invoke a method console.log(p.getFullName());// John Doe // invoke a virtual method p.triggerOneYearOlder(); // check that the age was incremented (by the virtual method) console.log(p.age);// 41 // instantiate an employee object var e = new Employee(p.firstName, p.lastName, p.age, 75000); // check that the inherited values were set console.log(e.firstName);// John console.log(e.lastName);// Doe console.log(e.age);// 41 // get an inherited protected field console.log(e._age);// undefined // set an inherited readonly field (throws an exception in debug mode) //e.firstName = 'Jane'; (uncomment to try it out) // check that the field didn't change console.log(e.firstName);// John // get a declared field (not inherited) console.log(e.salary);// 75000 // cast the employee object as a person object e = e.as(Person); // check the types of both person objects console.log(p instanceof Person);// true console.log(p instanceof Employee);// false console.log(e instanceof Person);// true console.log(e instanceof Employee);// true // check that both person objects don't have the derived property console.log(p.salary);// undefined console.log(e.salary);// undefined // invoke an overridden method e.triggerOneYearOlder(); // cast the person object as an employee object e = e.as(Employee); // check that the age was incremented (by the base method) console.log(e.age);// 42 // check that the salary increased 3% (by the overridden method) console.log(e.salary);// 77250
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