viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Introducing the AI Transformation Playbook

Me llego este mail de Andrew Ng que es el profesor de un curso en coursera sobre machine learning y quiero compartirlo con ustedes ya que me resulto por demás interesante :

Introducing the AI Transformation Playbook

Dear friends,

I'm excited to share with you the new AI Transformation Playbook. Drawn from my experience leading Google Brain, Baidu's AI Group, and Landing AI, this 5-step Playbook provides a roadmap for your company to transform into a great AI company.

You might already realize from Machine Learning Yearning that AI teams need to develop new workflows to build successful AI projects. The Playbook will teach you how to build upon single AI projects to help a whole company use AI. I hope that this Playbook will help you usher your company into the AI era.

Andrew Ng
Download a free copy of the AI Transformation Playbook

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