jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2022

[eBook] Add Security to Your Amazon EKS with NGINX



[eBook] Add Security to Your Amazon EKS with NGINX

Hi Emanuel,

Keeping applications secure can be one of the most daunting—and critical—challenges for any enterprise to figure out. Attempts to breach security happen thousands of times a day. The speed at which applications are now developed comes with a challenge: how can you keep up with the need to check apps when developers outnumber security pros 500:1?

Discover how you can prevent security breaches with NGINX and AWS. Learn how to protect your apps in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) deployment from a range of threats, including the OWASP Top 10 and beyond.

In this eBook you will learn:

  • Five ways NGINX Plus can help your organization mitigate vulnerabilities faster and easier 
  • How NGINX App Protect easily integrates with the NGINX Ingress Controller to secure your Kubernetes apps at scale
  • Why moving a WAF closer to the modern apps it protects can prevent a security breach

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